Following are the Documents & Information required for Registration of Public Limited Company: –
Minimum Requirements for a Public Company
- Minimum 3 Directors
- At-least 1 of the Director shall be Indian resident
- Director Identification No (DIN) has to be obtained for all the proposed Directors
- Digital Signature Certificate of at-least one Director
- Minimum 7 Members/Shareholders/Subscribers
- Digital Signature Certificate of all the proposed Members/Shareholders/Subscribers
Following are the Documents required: –
- For Digital Signature Certificate (DSC)
- DSC form duly signed by DP (DSC Form will be provided by us)
- 1 Recent colored Passport size photograph with a signature across the photo
- Copy of Pan (Permanent Account Number)
- Copy of Aadhar Card (Mandatory, if available)/ Votar ID/ Driving License/ Passport)
- For DIN (Self-attested copies of following documents are required)
- 1 Recent colored Passport size photograph
- Copy of Pan (Permanent Account Number)
- Copy of Aadhar Card (Mandatory, if available)/ Votar ID/ Driving License/ Passport)
- Current & Permanent Address Proof (Bank Statement/ Phone Bill/ Electricity Bill/ Gas Bill)
- In case of a foreign national being a director Additional Documents required:-
- 1 Recent colored Passport size photograph
- Duly Apostille and Notarized copy of ID Proof
- Duly Apostille and Notarized copy of Passport (in the home country) along with a translation copy (notarized), in case home country notary is not available, a notarized passport copy (notarized in India)
- Duly Apostille and Notarized copy of Address Proof (Bank Statement/ Phone Bill/ Electricity Bill)
- In case the address proof is of India then an Affidavit duly notarized stating the current address of the Directors shall be required
- In case the Directors already holds DIN in Case of foreign national
- Please specify in whether the DIN has been acquired as per the Indian Company Law If Yes then no need to process the din formalities.
- Please specify in which other Company the person is a Director.
- Proposed name and Main Object of the Company
- Give at-least 6 options in the order of preference
- Give significance of the name proposed
- Brief description of proposed Main Business Activity [Memorandum of Association (MOA) & Articles of Association (AOA) shall be prepared by us]
- For Registered office’s address proof where the Company will be situated
- Phone Bill/ Telephone Bill/ Electricity Bill/ Gas Bill/ Water Bill; and
- Property Tax paid receipt (if Owned)/ Rent Agreement (If rented); and
- NOC from owner of property (format shall be provided by us)
- Nearest Police station of the registered office – Full address
- Bifurcation of shareholding pattern:
- Please specify whether the Directors shall hold the shares in their name itself or on behalf of the Parent company name
- In latter case board resolution authorizing the person to acquire the share in the said proposed company. If not in English then translated notarized copy of resolution is required.
- Signed copies of other documents like Consent, DIR-2 etc. (format shall be provided by us)
- Details for Directors and Members required:
- Occupation
- Place of Birth
- Qualification
- Total share capital along with Division of Authorized Capital and Paid up Capital.
Division of the share capital – Authorized Capital of the company will be:
- in lakhs 5.00 / 10.00 / 25.00 / 50.00 / 100.00 / 200.00 / 300.00 / 500.00, etc
- This depends on the name chosen (For reference guidelines for Name & Authorised capital are given hereunder)
- Name guidelines with reference to Authorised Capital are as follows
- Corporation – 5 Crores
- International, Globe, Universal, Continental, Inter-Continental, Asiatic, Asia, being the first word of the name – 1 Crores
- If any of the words at (2) above is used within the name (with or without brackets) – 50 Lakhs
- Hindustan, India, Bharat, being the first word of the name – 50 Lakhs
- If any of the words at (4) above is used within the name (with or without brackets) – 5 Lakhs
- Industries/ Udyog – 1 Crores
- Enterprises, Products, Business, Manufacturing – 10 Lakhs