Minimum Requirements for a Private Company
- Minimum 2 Directors
- At-least 1 of the Director shall be Indian resident
- Director Identification No (DIN) has to be obtained for all the proposed Directors
- Digital Signature Certificate of at-least one Director
- Minimum 2 Members/Shareholders/Subscribers
- Digital Signature Certificate of all the proposed Members/Shareholders/Subscribers
For Digital Signature Certificate (DSC)
- DSC form duly signed by DP (DSC Form will be provided by us)
- 1 Recent colored Passport size photograph with a signature across the photo
- Copy of Pan (Permanent Account Number)
- Copy of Aadhar Card (Mandatory, if available)/ Votar ID/ Driving License/ Passport)
For DIN (Self-attested copies of following documents are required)
- 1 Recent colored Passport size photograph
- Copy of Pan (Permanent Account Number)
- Copy of Aadhar Card (Mandatory, if available)/ Votar ID/ Driving License/ Passport)
- Current & Permanent Address Proof (Bank Statement/ Phone Bill/ Electricity Bill/ Gas Bill)
In case of a foreign national being a director Additional Documents required:-
- 1 Recent colored Passport size photograph
- Duly Apostille and Notarized copy of ID Proof
- Duly Apostille and Notarized copy of Passport (in the home country) along with a translation copy (notarized), in case home country notary is not available, a notarized passport copy (notarized in India)
- Duly Apostille and Notarized copy of Address Proof (Bank Statement/ Phone Bill/ Electricity Bill)
- In case the address proof is of India then an Affidavit duly notarized stating the current address of the Directors shall be required
In case the Directors already holds DIN in Case of foreign national
- Please specify in whether the DIN has been acquired as per the Indian Company Law If Yes then no need to process the din formalities.
- Please specify in which other Company the person is a Director.
Proposed name and Main Object of the Company
- Give at-least 6 options in the order of preference
- Give significance of the name proposed
- Brief description of proposed Main Business Activity [Memorandum of Association (MOA) & Articles of Association (AOA) shall be prepared by us]
For Registered office’s address proof where the Company will be situated
- Phone Bill/ Telephone Bill/ Electricity Bill/ Gas Bill/ Water Bill; and
- Property Tax paid receipt (if Owned)/ Rent Agreement (If rented); and
- NOC from owner of property (format shall be provided by us)
- Nearest Police station of the registered office – Full address
- Total share capital along with Division of Authorized Capital and Paid up Capital.
- Bifurcation of shareholding pattern:
- Please specify whether the Directors shall hold the shares in their name itself or on behalf of the Parent company name
- In latter case board resolution authorizing the person to acquire the share in the said proposed company. If not in English then translated notarized copy of resolution is required.
- Signed copies of other documents like Consent, DIR-2 etc. (format shall be provided by us)
- Details for Directors and Members required:
- Occupation
- Place of Birth
- Qualification